Friday, August 10, 2007

Hillbillies Invade China!

We finally fell into our beds around 9:00 p.m. last night. We were all exhausted as we said good night to each other but proud we had survived our first day in China. In spite of physical exhaustion from the many time zone changes and stretch of emotions our brains were trying hard to grasp..we had an amazing first day.

We met with the director of the beer festival in the afternoon. It was a bit chaotic as we expected. We worked on our schedule layout and spoke with the sound technicians. There were some lively Chinese word exchanges between the director and the technicians as she proceeded to explain what these strange people/musicians needed in the way of sound support. We will have a rehearsal on the 11th and hopefully they will be able to figure us out.

Last night we dined with the Director of the District Cultural Bureau and what a feast! We exchanged gifts, words of appreciation for each other’s countries and ideas of cultural exchanges between our sister cities. Probably the biggest thrill was when he said he would like to arrange a jam session with us and some Taoist musicians. Wheww! What a musical fusion! We hope to record it.

All for now..

- Jane


LOLL said...

Wow, sounds like you're already having a fantastic time, thanks for the update Jane!
I think you left some nasty weather behind from what the news said, good timing!
Do keep us posted, your fist performance is the 11th? That's tomorrow on our side of the Pacific, maybe you're playing right now?
I know you'll all do great!!
Love to all

LOLL said...

O;h, I see, a rehearsal the 11th, when's the real thing?

tom g. said...

All is quite on the Helotes home front. Show the Chinese what "show me" means. Don't forget my water buffalo.

Ms Barbara said...

I thought opening ceremonies were on the morning of the 11th, according to the schedule we were given. At this moment, it's 3:34 PM in Qingdao on August 11, so I assume the Opening Ceremonies are over. Can't wait to hear all about it. I hope you were able to video tape it. Did you bring out the dancing chicken and wash board. Dierik made sure to insure the washboard before the trip.
You all sound busy with your work as ambassadors. You're perfect for that!

Justin said...

Asia is the place where itineraries go to die.